Are you in the mood for lamb sausages? If the answer is "YES", don't wait! In the ranks of the (R)evolution you will find delicious grilled lamb sausage "Merguez". They are very popular in France, but the recipe comes from the traditional North African cuisine. At Meat (R)evolution, however, we improve the way they are prepared, using the best and tender Bulgarian lamb meat and specific "Merguez" spices. Those grilled lamb sausages are seasoned with cumin, hot paprika and harissa (which gives them their characteristic spiciness and red color), as well as other spices, such as sumac, fennel and garlic. To enjoy meat with maximum taste, the lamb for this sausage is cut from the shoulder and neck of the lamb.
"Merguez" sausages are best when you prepare them on the grill. But if you decide to bake them in the oven, you won't go wrong. Having prepared them, you can serve them in a bun, like a hot dog, or just plain with beer and fries. They are absolutely delicious. Every bite you take from the "Merguez" grilled lamb sausage will make you go "mmmmm" again and again. You know how it is.
( Meat (R)evolution offers different types of more quality meat For more - visit QUALITY LAMB)