For Black Angus Top Sirloin Steak we prepared a top recipe with a very cool canned onions garnish. We bet you'll have a lot of fun. Of course, there is nothing complicated in it, it is fast and very tasty. You will see the list of ingredients below. In addition, you will need a grill, grill pan or grill plate, baking tray and an oven. Top Sirloin steak is a cut, which is not famous for the presence of a lot of fat, but when cooked properly, it melts in your mouth. Now you will see step by step how to do it. Enough talk, let's cook!

Get a tray of U.S. Beef Black Angus Top Sirloin steak from the (R)evolution's arsenal.

In each tray you will find perfectly-shaped steaks, ready to be grilled. There is no need for further preparation, reduction or marinating. Just season with salt.

Идва ред да обърнеш малко внимание на гарнитурата, а именно – на сладките мариновани лукчета. Изсипи ги в купа и започни да ги овкусяваш. Сложи им по супена лъжица горчица, балсамов оцет, мед, щипка сол и черен пипер. Хубаво разбъркай цялото нещо и се върни към месото, което трябва да сложиш да се пече на грил плочата, грила или тигана – каквото имаш подръка, все ще свърши работа.

The beef should be seared for no more than 2-4 minutes on each side. For even a better result, cover with a metal lid for a bit. When you remove the lid, melt a cube of butter on the beef and sprinkle with pepper. Transfer the roasted meat to a roasting tray. Drizzle it with the onions we marinated before. Take a bulb of garlic. Cut it in half and place on the onions.

Place it all in the oven for 8 minutes at 180 degrees C. After that it is done, but not well-done, just about medium. Enjoy!

If you also like us are thinking about what to prepare next, see the other video recipes with U.S. Black Angus Beef! You already are part of the (R)evolution!

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