The (R)evolution provides recipes that are easy to follow and do not require Masterchef experience. Lead by our passion for real food and the desire for sharing it with as many people as possible, we compiled a list of our own video recipes.

    • Veal and beef steaks and cuts from all over the world
    • Meat which is matured for a minimum of 30 days
    • От телета и говеда, хранени по специална диета
    • The meat does not need advanced preparation or matinating
    • Meat, which is rich in protein
    • Low in fat
Стек (Р)еволюция

Attention! Attention! This is the Steak (R)evolution!

At the front line we have our delicious beef and veal steaks. They all come from different parts of the world to form the authentic, pure taste of meat.

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